How Mindfulness Can Improve the Quality of Life? | Mindfulness Training Online


In a society where people are always in a hurry, distraction and a lack of attention to the present moment are very common behaviors. The big problem is that it affects the quality of life, because it takes the individual from important moments of the day to day and still puts him in situations of stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness Training Online, which is the state of mind in the present, is a meditative practice that has numerous benefits and works mainly in reducing stress levels. Through it, it is possible to resume well-being only by being fully aware and aware of the current moment.

It is a state of mind in which the person remains attentive to his present moment without judgement, just observing and accepting his thoughts and bodily sensations. For better understanding, notice that our mind is always focused on something, totally alien to what happens in the present.

How many times do we get home after work and don't remember what we saw or did during the journey? How many times do we even pay attention to what we eat at mealtime?

Mindfulness Training Online

This is due to the habit of always thinking about something, emphasising the whirlwind of thoughts that take our focus away at all times. For most people this is a process that happens all the time without their being aware of it.

Mindfulness works precisely on this lack of lucidity, preventing the individual from spending his time on events of the past or the future and focusing on what really matters, which is the current moment.


What are the benefits of mindfulness?

Analyzing the countless benefits of mindfulness, it is possible to understand why science has studied its effects in recent years and why the quality of life of its practitioners has improved considerably.


Improves sleep

The practice of mindfulness helps people to have more control over their emotions during the day. This behavior influences another situation, which is a low level of cortical activation during the night. This combination reflects restful sleep without interruptions.


Reduces stress

The practice of mindfulness is strongly related to the reduction of stress levels. In fact, the first program of mindfulness was directed precisely to patients with stress and was called Reducing Stress with Mindfulness. The work was conducted by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, from the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.

When practicing mindfulness, the person stimulates the focus on simple daily activities, such as brushing teeth, drinking coffee, watching people while talking to them, among others. Done with full awareness, these things take the focus off of problems and concerns, reducing stress and anxiety levels.


Increases concentration

According to research by the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, attention to the present moment reduces the time the mind wanders, improving concentration and favoring memory.


Helps to recognize one's emotions

The mindfulness practitioner, among other things, becomes more emotionally aware. By focusing on the current moment, the person begins to reflect on what he is seeing, thinking and feeling.

This does not happen when the mind is wandering, caught in some event of the past or the future. Only in the present moment is it possible to recognize your own emotions and reflect on them.


Protects the brain against aging

Because mindfulness is a type of meditation, its practice works to protect the brain from aging. According to research conducted by Elisa Epel, a psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco, the practice increases the size of telomeres, which is linked to cell aging.

This means that, in addition to acting to slow aging, meditation also prevents the emergence of diseases linked to old age.


Daily habits that promote mindfulness

Now that you already know what mindfulness is and its contribution to the achievement of quality of life, get to know some habits that help you reach this state.


Meditate daily: You don't have to start meditating for half an hour a day. At first it is not easy to sit and focus on breathing for a long time. This takes practice. So just start with ten minutes a day. In time, the mind will be more receptive to taking that break, and instead of being carried away by emotions, you will be more relaxed and aware.

Practice detachment and be present; What happened yesterday must remain in the past. Likewise, future situations need to be put aside. The state of Mindfulness Teacher Training Online is precisely the focus at the present moment, so it is necessary to pay attention only to what happens in that time. However banal the situation may be, it must be appreciated in the smallest details.

Breathe properly: Breathing exercises are very effective in achieving mental relaxation and mindfulness. In addition, it is quite simple to use breathing for this purpose.

Just sit in a quiet and comfortable place, breathing slowly. When inhaling and exhaling, attention should be focused on the sensations that the body presents, such as the movement of the chest and diaphragm.

In addition to bringing the individual to a state of mindfulness, breathing correctly promotes tranquility in any stressful situation, as the practice sends signals to the brain that provide this sensation.


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